The Wee Green Market in Killearn will now be held once a month till December. This is great news as I was really looking for a venue that is local, which also gives me the benefit of customers expecting to find me in one place!
Doing lots of fairs in different locations is fine, but I always feel that the 'one offs' don't give you the opportunity to develop a customer base and local business connections. Its also great for showing the local communities what is available on their doorstep - LIVE LOCAL, SHOP LOCAL!
I'm also considering taking a stall at The Country Living Christmas Fair at the SECC in Glasgow at the end of November, a bit daunting as I would be playing alongside the big guns, watch this space.....
On a more exciting note, my sis and I are taking our kids camping this weekend and we are trying to remember all the skills we mastered at Guide camp many moons ago - lots of square lashing, wooden tent pegs and cleaning of latrines. My niece has requested that we have 'clean' food - just as long as the ice packs keep our wine chilled once the kids have gone to bed!
I'm away to try and find my welly sticks.....